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Data Management System

πŸ‘€ 🚧 Feature under development

The data management system is under development. Not all use cases are covered by the initial release. You can provide feedback about desired functionality on the Strapi feedback website. The feature is available in v4.6.0 and later versions.

The strapi transfer command is available in beta release only. See Transfer data using the CLI tool for beta version installation instructions.

Occasionally you need to move data out of or into a Strapi instance. The data management system allows you to efficiently extract data from an existing instance or archive and import that data into a separate instance. Additionally, the data management system allows you to transfer data between a local Strapi instance and a remote Strapi instance. Strapi provides CLI-based commands that allow you to export, import, and transfer data. Common use cases include:

πŸ€“ Command Line Interface (CLI) shortcut

If you want to skip the details and examples the strapi export, strapi import, and strapi tranfer CLI commands with all of the available options are listed in the Command Line Interface documentation.

Export data using the CLI tool​

The strapi export command by default exports data as an encrypted and compressed tar.gz.enc file. The default export command exports:

  • the project configuration,
  • entities: all of your content,
  • links: relations between your entities,
  • assets: files stored in the uploads folder,
  • schemas,
  • the metadata.json file.

Admin users and API tokens are not exported. :::

Name the export file​

Exported data are contained in a .tar file that is automatically named using the format export_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. You can optionally name the exported file by passing the --file or -f option with the strapi export command. Do not include a file extension.

Example: Export data with a custom filename​

yarn strapi export --file my-strapi-export

Configure data encryption​

The default strapi export command encrypts your project data using aes-128-ecb encryption and adds the file extension .enc. To use encryption you need to pass an encryption key using the -k or --key option or enter an encryption key when prompted. The encryption key is a string with no minimum character count.

Encryption keys

Strong encryption keys are encouraged to protect sensitive data in your project. OpenSSL is a resource for generating encryption keys. The following example commands generate encryption keys in a terminal:

openssl rand -base64 48

To disable encryption, pass the --no-encrypt option with the strapi export command.

Example: Export data without encryption​

yarn strapi export --no-encrypt

Example: Export data with the encryption --key option​

yarn strapi export --key my-encryption-key

Disable data compression​

The default strapi export command compresses your project data using gzip compression and adds the .gz file extension.

To disable compression, pass the --no-compress option with the strapi export command.

Example: Export data without compression​

yarn strapi export --no-compress

Export only selected types of data​

The default strapi export command exports your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --only option allows you to export only the listed items by passing a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. The available values are content, files, and config. Schemas are always exported, as schema matching is used for strapi import.


Media such as images consist of the file (asset) and the entity in the database. If you use the --only flag to export content, the asset database records are still included, and could render as broken links.

Example: Export only entities and relations​

yarn strapi export --only content

Exclude items from export​

The default strapi export command exports your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --exclude option allows you to exclude content, files, and the project configuration by passing these items in a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. You can't exclude the schemas, as schema matching is used for strapi import.


Media such as images consist of the file (asset) and the entity in the database. If you use the --exclude flag to remove assets, the database records are still included, and could render as broken links.

Example: Export data excluding assets, entities, and relations​

yarn strapi export --exclude files,content

Import data using the CLI tool​

  • strapi import deletes all existing data, including the database and uploads directory, before importing the backup file.
  • The source and destination schemas must match to successfully use strapi import, meaning all content types must be identical.
  • Restored data does not include the Admin users table, which means that createdBy and updatedBy are empty in a restored instance.

Specify the import file​

To import data into a Strapi instance use the strapi import command in the project root directory. Specify the file to be imported using the -f or --file option. The filename, extension, and path are required. If the file is encrypted, you are prompted for the encryption key before the import starts.

Example: Minimum command to import data from a file in the Strapi project root​

yarn strapi import -f export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc

Provide an encryption key​

If you are importing data from an encrypted file the encryption key can be passed with the strapi import command by using the -k or --key option.

Example: Pass the encryption key with the strapi import command​

yarn strapi import -f export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --key my-encryption-key

Bypass all import command line prompts​

When using the strapi import command, you are required to confirm that the import will delete the existing database contents. The --force flag allows you to bypass this prompt. This option is particularly useful for implementing strapi import programmatically. For programmatic use, you must also pass the --key option for encrypted files.

Example: bypass command line prompts with --force​

yarn strapi import -f export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --force --key my-encryption-key

Exclude data types during import​

The default strapi import command imports your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --exclude option allows you to exclude content, files, and the project configuration by passing these items in a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. You can't exclude the schemas, as schema matching is used for strapi import.


Any types excluded from the import will be deleted in your destination instance. For example, if you exclude config the project configuration in your destination instance will be deleted.


Media such as images consist of the file (asset) and the entity in the database. If you use the --exclude flag to remove assets, the database records are still included, and could render as broken links.

Example: exclude assets from an import​

yarn strapi import -f export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --exclude files

Include only specified data types during import​

The default strapi import command imports your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --only option allows you to export only the listed items by passing a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. The available values are content, files, and config. Schemas are always imported, as schema matching is used for strapi import.


Media such as images consist of the file (asset) and the entity in the database. If you use the --only flag to import content the asset database records are still included, and could render as broken links.

Example: import only the project configuration​

yarn strapi import -f export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --only config

Transfer data using the CLI tool Beta​

πŸ€“ Install the beta version

strapi transfer is only available in the current beta version. To create a new project using the beta version, run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-strapi-app@beta <project-name>

The strapi transfer command streams your data from one Strapi instance to another Strapi instance. The transfer command uses strict schema matching, meaning your two Strapi instances need to be exact copies of each other except for the contained data. The default transfer command transfers your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas.

  • If you are using an SQLite database in the destination instance other database connections will be blocked while the transfer operation is running.
  • Assets that are contained in the local Media Library provider are transferred to the same provider in the remote instance. This means that if you use the default Media Library locally and an S3 bucket in your remote instance, the transfer command does not add assets to your S3 bucket.

The CLI command consists of the following arguments:

--toURL of the destination Strapi instance. The endpoint is /admin.required
‑‑to‑tokenTransfer token from the Strapi destination instance.required
--forceAutomatically answer "yes" to all prompts, including potentially destructive requests, and run non-interactively.-
--excludeExclude data using comma-separated data types. The available types are: content, files, and config.-
--onlyInclude only these data. The available types are: content, files, and config.-

The command allows you to transfer data between:

  • a local Strapi instance and a remote Strapi instance,
  • a remote Strapi instance and another remote Strapi instance.

Data transfers are authorized by Transfer tokens, which are generated in the Admin panel. From the Admin panel you can manage role-based permissions to tokens including view, create, read, regenerate and delete. See the User Guide for details on how to create and manage Transfer tokens.

Generate a transfer token​

The strapi transfer command requires a Transfer token issued by the destination instance. To generate a Transfer token in the Admin panel use the instructions in the User Guide.

Setup and run the data transfer​

To initiate a data transfer:

  1. Start the Strapi server for the destination instance.

  2. In a new terminal window, navigate to the root directory of the source instance.

  3. Run the following minimal command to initiate the transfer:

    yarn strapi transfer --to <destination URL> --to-token <Transfer token>
  4. Answer Yes or No to the CLI prompt: "The transfer will delete all data in the remote database and media files. Are you sure you want to proceed?"

  5. If you answer Yes in step 4, the transfer operation initiates and, when completed, prints a summary of the transferred types in the CLI.

Bypass all transfer command line prompts​

When using the strapi transfer command, you are required to confirm that the transfer will delete the existing database contents. The --force flag allows you to bypass this prompt. This option is particularly useful for implementing strapi transfer programmatically.

Example: bypass the transfer command line prompts with --force​

yarn strapi transfer --to --to-token [my-transfer-token] --force 

Include only specified data types during transfer​

The default strapi transfer command transfers your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --only option allows you to transfer only the listed items by passing a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. The available values are content, files, and config. Schemas are always transferred, as schema matching is used for strapi transfer.

Example: only transfer files​

yarn strapi transfer --to --to-token <my-transfer-token> --only files

Exclude data types during transfer​

The default strapi transfer command transfers your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --exclude option allows you to exclude content, files, and the project configuration by passing these items in a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. You can't exclude the schemas, as schema matching is used for strapi transfer.

Example: exclude files from transfer​

yarn strapi transfer --to --to-token [my-transfer-token] --exclude files

Any types excluded from the transfer will be deleted in your destination instance. For example, if you exclude config the project configuration in your destination instance will be deleted.

Managing data transfer with environment variables​

The environment variable STRAPI_DISABLE_REMOTE_DATA_TRANSFER is available to disable remote data transfer. In addition to the RBAC permissions in the Admin panel this can help you secure your Strapi application. To use STRAPI_DISABLE_REMOTE_DATA_TRANSFER you can add it to your .env file or preface the start or develop scripts. See the following example:


Additional details on using environment variables in Strapi are available in the Environment configurations documentation.

Test the transfer command locally​

The transfer command is not intended for transferring data between two local instances. The export and import commands were designed for this purpose. However, you might want to test transfer locally on test instances to better understand the functionality before using it with a remote instance. The following documentation provides a fully-worked example of the transfer process.

Create and clone a new Strapi project​

  1. Create a new Strapi project using the beta installation command:

    npx create-strapi-app@beta <project-name> --quickstart
  2. Create at least 1 content type in the project. See the Quick Start Guide if you need instructions on creating your first content type.


    Do not add any data to your project at this step.

  3. Commit the project to a git repository:

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "first commit"
  4. Clone the project repository:

    cd .. # move to the parent directory
    git clone <path to created git repository>.git/ <new-instance-name>

Add data to the first Strap instance​

  1. Return to the first Strapi instance and add data to the content type.
  2. Stop the server on the first instance.

Create a transfer token​

  1. Navigate to the second Strapi instance and run the build and start commands in the root directory:

    yarn build && yarn start
  2. Register an admin user.

  3. Create and copy a Transfer token.

  4. Leave the server running.

Transfer your data​

  1. Return the the first Strapi instance.

  2. In the terminal run the strapi transfer command:

    yarn strapi transfer --to http://localhost:1337/admin --to-token [my-transfer-token] 
  3. When the transfer is complete you can return to the second Strapi instance and see that the content is successfully transferred.


In some cases you might receive a connection refused error targeting localhost. Try changing the address to